jueves, 16 de abril de 2009

ActiveX para FiveWin y MiniGUI

Si tienes versiones antiguas de FiveWin de 32 bits o usas MiniGUI con xHarbour y no tienes soporte para ActiveX aquí tienes la solución.

Oskar Lira, brillante programador de C, ha desarrollado un soporte ActiveX para xHarbour independiente de la plataforma de desarrollo Windows.

Trabajo original de Andy Wos, ha sido retomado por Oskar y cedido al dominio publico con el código fuente incluído y lo puedes descargar haciendo click aquí.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola René, La generación de la lib tira cantidad de errores, parecen faltar ".h" y alguna otra cosa. mas claro, tira esto:
    Error E2209 c:\BCC55\include\exdisp.h 239: Unable to open include file 'ocidl.h'
    Error E2209 c:\BCC55\include\docobj.h 86: Unable to open include file 'ocidl.h'
    Error E2303 c:\BCC55\include\exdisp.h 2135: Type name expected
    Error E2303 c:\BCC55\include\exdisp.h 2490: Type name expected
    Error E2209 c:\BCC55\include\shldisp.h 284: Unable to open include file 'ocidl.h'
    Error E2209 .\source\AxEv.c 33: Unable to open include file 'ocidl.h'
    Error E2209 .\source\AxEv.c 34: Unable to open include file 'olectl.h'
    Error E2139 .\source\AxEv.c 152: Declaration missing ;
    Error E2209 .\source\AxEv.c 598: Unable to open include file 'ocidl.h'
    Error E2451 .\source\AxEv.c 616: Undefined symbol 'IConnectionPointContainer' in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2451 .\source\AxEv.c 616: Undefined symbol 'pIConnectionPointContainerTemp' in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2140 .\source\AxEv.c 618: Declaration is not allowed here in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2451 .\source\AxEv.c 619: Undefined symbol 'IConnectionPoint' in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2451 .\source\AxEv.c 619: Undefined symbol 'm_pIConnectionPoint' in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2451 .\source\AxEv.c 620: Undefined symbol 'IEnumConnectionPoints' in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2451 .\source\AxEv.c 620: Undefined symbol 'm_pIEnumConnectionPoints' in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2140 .\source\AxEv.c 621: Declaration is not allowed here in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2140 .\source\AxEv.c 622: Declaration is not allowed here in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2140 .\source\AxEv.c 623: Declaration is not allowed here in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2140 .\source\AxEv.c 624: Declaration is not allowed here in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2140 .\source\AxEv.c 625: Declaration is not allowed here in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2140 .\source\AxEv.c 626: Declaration is not allowed here in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2140 .\source\AxEv.c 627: Declaration is not allowed here in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Warning W8060 .\source\AxEv.c 639: Possibly incorrect assignment in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2451 .\source\AxEv.c 678: Undefined symbol 'IID_IConnectionPointContainer' in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2451 .\source\AxEv.c 748: Undefined symbol 'pIConnectionPoint' in function SetupConnectionPoint
    Error E2228 .\source\AxEv.c 748: Too many error or warning messages in function SetupConnectionPoint

    Roberto de Argentina.

  2. Revisa la ruta a los includes xHarbour
